Kuan Yin Speaks. It's time for the world to meet the great Master Healer
"Hello! This is Kuan Yin. Today I will hand the reins over to the being through whom these teachings flow. People love stories, and...
Guan Yin Speaks. Not all who wander...
“Greetings. This is Kuan Yin. This is the most commonly accepted spelling of my name, and we will use that from now on. The being through...
Guan Yin Speaks. The holodeck
Holodeck From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Holodeck is a fictional device from the television franchise Star Trek which uses...
Guan Yin Speaks. No News? Whaaat?
"Good morning! This is Guan Yin. There are suggestions and wisdom being shared a lot now, to . "Put down the phone! Turn off the...
Guan Yin Speaks. Let go. No really...Let go.
Good morning! This is Guan Yin speaking. I’m sure that all of you at one time in your life have done an exercise in letting go through...
Guan Yin Speaks. Namaste', hello self!
“Good morning! This is Guan Yin speaking. Isn’t that a wonderful word? Namaste’. It can be a simple greeting, but there are deep and...
Guan Yin Speaks. Live Planet, dead planet. Either way, it's your house.
“Good morning. This is Guan Yin speaking. Time is short my children. The time for tip-toeing around ignorance or tender sensibilities is...
Guan Yin Speaks. You are the river...
There is an affirmation, "I am the flowing river of God life and God light." This is true. It is more evident if you realize it. Close...
Guan Yin Speaks. Custody of the eyes
“So the real question is, how many ways do I let what I see interrupt my view of heaven?” Molly Jo Rose Quote from an article in U.S....
Guan Yin speaks. Corn and beans together
"Greetings! This is Guan Yin speaking. It is said that some Native Americans would plant corn and beans together, along with squash, and...