Tale of the last cucumber
My darling and entertaining husband and I were sitting out on the patio, on a late September morning a couple of days ago, enjoying a cup...

Where are you spending your spiritual capital?
Where are you spending your spiritual money? In Buddhist parlance, and other disciplines, your spiritual bank account consists of virtue....

Post-retreat purification
From November, 2018 Today I was looking at some paperwhites bulbs that I had planted a few weeks ago for some winter cheer, and thinking...

Are you brave enough for Radical Compassion? Am I?
Today I went downtown to run some errands and go to an appointment. I had about 45 minutes before this interview, and thought I should...

The Starveling Soul
I teach a meditation class once a week here in Denver, and attendance is down. Sometimes I have a great meditation all by myself in that...

"You are alive, you are whole, all is well." The words of the healer
I confess to an addiction, I have listened to and read the entire collection of Diana Gabaldon's epic Outlander series at least 10 times....

The Orphan
I have a friend who is going through what is called a rough patch. Karma smackdown number one, after serious financial setbacks she and...

how karma wins the day...every time
Believing in karma or not believing in karma makes no difference. It just is what it is. The word karma is Sanskrit meaning “action.” All...