Guan Yin Speaks. Day 24. Belief, what is real?

Belief — › wiki › Belief
A belief is an attitude that something is the case, or that some proposition about the world is true. In epistemology, philosophers use the term “belief” to refer to attitudes about the world which can be either true or false.
Inserted by the author.
“Good morning! This is Guan Yin.
Belief and truth are two different creatures. The above definition of belief states that it is an attitude, truth is truth and does not change according to opinion. And even that, one person's absolute truth might not resonate with another.
Look into your heart and ask,
“What do I believe? Why do I believe it?”
What is your belief based upon? Primarily, belief is based upon what someone else has told us, from the first instant of our life on the planet. The phrase,
“As the twig is bent, so grows the branch…”
is a telling statement.
By the time a person is 5 or 6 they may have fully absorbed what their parents believe, however far-fetched it may seem to others. The first and most destructive belief is that we are separate from others. The belief in “other” is what makes all injustice, cruelty, and suffering possible.
Really really look at what it is that you believe. Be unblinkingly honest with yourself. Do you believe in Jesus? Buddha? Krishna? Why? Is it because you have had personal authentic experience with these Divine beings, or is it because your parents or a peer group believed it and read to you about it from a book?
If you look at the state of affairs in the world today, and it is admittedly difficult not to if you watch the news, you see that belief is the forest fire that consumes and destroys. It generates hatred, prejudice, and violence. It allows humans to be indifferent to the suffering of animals and nature, children and other adults. Belief in religious systems, politics, and celebrity have created a high pitch of noise that makes it challenging to hear anything else. It is also sometimes very subtle, and always subject to change and interpretation.
As mentioned above, truth, or spiritual reality, comes from a deep personal experience of silence. Thought, belief, and opinion are deadly enemies. A better word is knowing, and knowing does not come from repeating beliefs over and over. True knowing comes from feeling the living presence of the Divine, or Source, or God, or Tao, whatever you may call it, and listening for the Still Small Voice, as is so beautifully described in the Bible.
Here is a practice.
Go to the deep lovely space of no thought. Silent present moment awareness. Turn everything off, including your mortal mind. Open your physical hands and see everything fall like black marbles, all the illusory falsehood of the mortal experience. Breathe light into your body. If it helps, use a one word mantra that will help you stay centered and still.
Bring to your awareness the Divine itself, invite its presence, and ask the question.
“Who am I?”
Truly listen. Don’t fill in the blanks, don’t make things up. You know the difference, or will come to know the difference between the impulsion of God and your own chatter.
You will wander. Bring it back, and ask again,
“Who am I?”
You may feel a filling warmth, a head to toe sensation of light and presence. You may feel nothing. It doesn’t matter. Come back to this serene resting place as often as possible, and begin to embrace the field of no thought, where you can simply be yourself, which is an expression of the one infinite being-ness of God. No belief is needed here.
That is all. I love you.”
Flowed by Kristin Strachan, Guan Yin Lineage holder, teacher, student of Master Zhi Gang Sha and spiritual practitioner in Colorado.